4 Simple Tips to Lower Your AC Bills & Save Money This Lockdown Summer

When the temperatures and humidity increase and the humidity rises, an AC can help you stay cool. But do you know how to stop the electric bills from rising, reducing the energy consumption and keeping you warm during summer's scorching heat? Yes. Here are 4 guidelines that you can use: 1. Set the Right Default Temperature In the spring of this year it was announced that in the spring of this year, Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) issued a directive to AC manufacturers to maintain in their default temperatures for appliances at 24 degrees Celsius. Prior to the law was passed, the default temperature would have been 20 degrees. Research has shown that around 6 percent of the energy is saved each degree we increase the temperature. The lower the temperature you set for your air conditioner, the longer the compressors are working, racking up your electric bill. If you opt for keeping the AC operating at the default setting you could save up to 24 percent energy. Check Hitachi AC 1.5...