Things to Look for When Buying a Double Door Refrigerator

In today's world, a kitchen would be incomplete without a refrigerator. A refrigerator was a luxury item reserved for the wealthy, but it has become a necessity. Refrigerators aid in the preservation of fruits and vegetables by preserving their freshness. It also has room for delectable sweets and ice cream. Refrigerators also aid in the preservation of nutrients in our food, resulting in a healthier lifestyle.

Factors to consider while buying a new 2-door fridge


A 150 to 250-litre refrigerator should be enough for a couple with one child. You need a 250 to 500-litre one if you have a family of four or five individuals. A 250 to the 350-litre fridge will suffice for a family of four consisting of two adults and two youngsters. Large families of six to seven people will require a large refrigerator with 550 to 850 litres.


You can always check the measurements of a refrigerator before purchasing it to ensure that it will fit in your space.

Energy Efficiency

EER (Energy Efficiency Rating) or star ratings indicate how energy-efficient appliances are. If they have a higher star rating, they will be more energy efficient. If you want to dig deeper into this, search for the total units of power (kWh) that your model will consume over a year.

A 2-door refrigerator

These have two doors that are stacked one on top of the other. The upper container is for the freezer, while the lower compartment is for everyday usage.

A capacity of 250 to 500 litres is usual for a 2-door refrigerator. These freezers use less energy and are naturally frost-free. Energy-efficient double-door variants come with toughened glass shelves as well. From this knowledge, you can take an informed decision to buy a new 2-door fridge for your kitchen.


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